So, because this is my day off I'm updating like crazy, and one of my biggest updates is that I'm moving and the space is prettier and bigger than ever! The biggest epic development is the fact that I'm getting an office in my apt that will be--wait for it--TAX DEDUCTIBLE!! Totally psyched. So I'm planning my office and this is what I have in mind...
My walls:
My walls:
And yes, that red chair needs to be there. I'm very inspired by this style. It's clean and feminine but not the kind of room that's going to make my boy friend squeal to be in... which he will rarely be because, this is my lair, bitches.
So Amalynne is getting an office and has been spending far too much time at Ethan Allen *head desk*... how am still going to Jamaica this summer? GAH! I will take pictures once we paint and I have "the lair" complete :D